Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 2 discussion question: "What values or principles did your parents teach you that you believe are very important?"

The values or principles that my parents always tell me is to speak the truth.That's because it is the first step that will take me to success. If I tell a lie, I will have to tell that lie in every walk of life, so it would be good for me to speak the truth from the beginning. They also tell me to be honest with everyone and in everything I do. I may feel difficulties in the present, but this is the road to success in the future. Another value that they tell me is to respect my elders and to love those who are younger. By respecting the elders, I will get prayers from them and by giving love to those who are younger, I will feel an internal peace.
We should obey our parents because they are older and have a lot more experience.


  1. The value or principle my parents teach me I is steadfastness. When I were young, my dad and mom teach me that you should be steadfast when you do everything. To be dependable has some advantage. First you can do everything step by step so you can learn many things in the process, thus as long as you do one thing you will improve a little bit. Second when you finish one thing dependably, you will have sense of achievement. Third you can make many friends because you are steadfast and they will believe you. Above of the reason, I believe that steadfastness will make me success, so it is important.

  2. To 佐:Very good opinion!Steadfastness is very important to me,too.And I also believe that you will success by your steadfastness.BY 9911059 洪祺翔

  3. My parents taught me to work hard in everything that I do. It doesn't matter if it is something small or something big; you should always try your best and work your hardest. They also taught me to never quit. If you commit to something, it is important that you finish it no matter what it takes. Finally, they taught me to respect others, especially those who are older than me.

  4. An important value my parents have taught me is patience. There are many situations in which patience is very important. Often times if you are in a rush, and become inpatient, you will sacrifice the quality of whatever it is you are doing. Taking the time to do something right and demanding perfection from yourself requires an enormous amount of patience. It is a value that can take time to learn, but is definitely worth mastering.

  5. My parents taught me that whatever kind of work I do, I should always be able to say that I am proud of it. Hard work and humility are major components of this. It is important to be proud without being boastful. If you work hard for something, it is a more rewarding experience, and it is very easy to feel accomplished in what you have done.

  6. My parents have always preached to me about respecting others. They have always told me treat others how you would like to be treated. Also my parents have always preached to me that I should always be working hard on whatever I am doing whether it is sports, school, or my job.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My parents always told me to be honest,with patient and responsibility.Try everything not to give up.

  9. When I was a child,my parents always taught me never give up and just stick your dream up.Therefore,with this principle,I succeed in many things such as pass The College Entrance Examination.In feature,I believe that if I still do everything with this principle,I can achieve all my dream.Thus,I am of the opinion that this principle which my parents taught me is very important in my life.
