Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 2 discussion question: "What values or principles did your parents teach you that you believe are very important?"

The values or principles that my parents always tell me is to speak the truth.That's because it is the first step that will take me to success. If I tell a lie, I will have to tell that lie in every walk of life, so it would be good for me to speak the truth from the beginning. They also tell me to be honest with everyone and in everything I do. I may feel difficulties in the present, but this is the road to success in the future. Another value that they tell me is to respect my elders and to love those who are younger. By respecting the elders, I will get prayers from them and by giving love to those who are younger, I will feel an internal peace.
We should obey our parents because they are older and have a lot more experience.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

week1 discussion_what is your favorite holiday?and why?

My favorite holiday is Chinese New Year.That's because all the members in my family will gather together for a big reunion.We always enjoy a big meal on the new year’s Eve.We talk a lot of things,such as:NBA and video games with each other,too. During the holidays,we often visit some relatives and good friends who we have not seen for a long time.Sometimes I take advantage of the continuous holidays to take a trip overseas with my family,and I always have a good time and a pleasant memory of experiencing the culture and appreciating many beautiful sceneries with my family.If I were at home,I could even sleep the whole day and take a complete rest during the holidays.
Those are the reasons that I like Chinese New Year the most.